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How to give clear descriptions when delegating tasks

min read

Do you sometimes experience disappointing results when delegating?

Do other people delegate tasks to you with vague requirements or expectations?

Do you ever look at your to-do list and wonder what the heck you’re actually meant to do?

This is what happens when you create or delegate tasks without a clear task description.

The answer:

Provide context in the description area when creating tasks.

It’s important to provide clear instructions and expectations. So, here’s an example framework that will help…

The CREDIT™ Framework

You can use my CREDIT™ Framework to help remember the 6 key elements of effective delegation:


  • What is this task about?
  • Why does it need doing?
  • What is your reasoning for creating it?
  • How does it fit into the big picture?


  • What is needed to complete it?
  • Standard Operating Procedures?
  • Reference files, attachments or links?
  • What logins or access credentials are needed?


  • What makes them good examples?
  • How similar should it be?
  • What needs to be different?
  • Where can more examples be found?


  • What format should it be delivered in?
  • What structure should it take?
  • What location should it be saved to?


  • Is it critical or just helpful?
  • What are the potential consequences?
  • What stands to be gained or lost?
  • How should it be prioritised?


  • How long is it likely to take?
  • What’s the deadline?
  • When can they get started on it?

Use this template

💡 TIP: If you use TextExpander or save canned messages, here’s a template you can use:

This task is about [[CLARIFY THE TITLE]]

This needs to be done because [[REASON WHY]]

The resources you’ll need for this task are: [[LIST THEM]]

The deliverables for this task are: [[LIST THEM]]

Here are some examples for reference: [[LIST THEM]]

The implications of this task are [[DESCRIBE]]

This should take approx [[TIME]].

Don’t overthink it, though. Not everything needs a big description like this. If the task is self-explanatory, don’t waste time writing a long description.

You’ll know when it counts.

If you’re creating a task for yourself:

  1. Firstly, dump whatever is top of mind in the description area
  2. Secondly, add any useful resources (such as website URLs or attachments)

Trust me, it only takes a second, but when you come back to it in the future, you’ll thank yourself!

(Or at least you won’t be kicking yourself)

📝 Note: Don’t overthink it. Sometimes, it might only be a sentence or a few words.

Give it a try!

Dave J Mason

aka Mr. System
I’m one of the UK’s first ever certified Asana Solutions Partners. My passion is to create order from chaos. Some people enjoy fishing, I love problem-solving!